Introduce the High Manganese steel plate(Hadfield steel) 高錳鋼資訊介紹

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  • High Manganese
Introduce the High Manganese steel plate(Hadfield steel) 高錳鋼資訊介紹

Good day!

Today let us introduce the High Manganese steel plate(Hadfield steel)

for you.

大家早安! 今天來跟大家介紹高錳鋼的資訊。

NM-13MN is the High Manganese steel plate with good resistance during conditions of serve impact, and will strengthen its surface hardness during the conditions of impact.

NM-13MN 是一種錳含量達13%的高錳鋼材, 在外力撞擊下仍然具有高耐磨性的優點,  在承受巨烈撞擊時還會同時增加鋼材表面的硬度。

To make good use of this characteristic, now it is mainly used in the lining of the shot peening machine and treasury etc.

因為具有這樣的特性, 現在高錳鋼被大量運用在金庫的內裡或是噴丸機上。

On the other hand, as the work-hardened will occur during processing, this material is hard to be processed.

也由於加工時表面硬度將會更強化的特性, 當然高錳鋼這種材質是非常不容易加工的。

170313_NM-13MN加工事例5 170220_NM-13MN加工事例2

But Kumagai is a processor with the know-how to process this unmanageable material as above↑ ↑ ↑

但是! 如上圖所展示的, 我們Kumagai 身為加工業者, 擁有處理加工這種素材的know-how

Speaking of the other merits of NM-13MN,

As belong to the austenite steel , it means this material with the 「non-magnetic 」characteristic.

另外, 若是提到其他關於NM-13MN這種素材的特性,

由於它是歸類於奧氏體鋼材(又稱沃斯田)組織, 因此是一種「無磁性」的鋼材。

As the processing company, this characteristic might be a demerit for us to handle.

But for the demander, this characteristic might become the merit.

Therefore, we won’t stop developing this material for been widely used in the future.

雖然對身為素材切斷業者的敝司來說, 無磁性這個特性是增加作業上困難度的一項缺點, 但是對需求者來說這樣的特性卻可能是一項優點。

也因此, 為了讓這樣的特色能夠被活用, 弊司也會持續開發NM-13MN鋼材新的用途!

If you are interested in the 「 high impact strength, resistance to abrasion 」 and 「 non-magnetic 」 NM-13MN steel ,  and want to inquiry about the price, processing availability, etc., please don’t hesitate to contact us first !

若是您對這種具有 「加工時硬度加強 具耐撞擊高耐磨性 」 以及 「無磁性」的NM-13MN鋼材有興趣的話,  不論是關於此材質詳細的特徵,單價, 加工可能性等等的事項, 都歡迎隨時與我們聯繫!


***Contact Information 聯絡資訊***

Please E-mail us for inquiry. 歡迎來信詢問更多詳細資訊


Please inquire for other kinds of special steel, in addition to other processing techniques.



Please inquire for other kinds of special steel,
in addition to other processing techniques.
