Introduced the Milling machine 本司導入新型CNC 立式銑床機了!
- Information

Good day.
Today, let’s introduce the new established milling machine for you.
今天就讓我們來介紹本月工廠新設的CNC 立式銑床設備吧!
Maker : Yamasakigiken
Type :yz-400NCR(One-size 400 x 850)
It’s the first time that we introduced the milling machine,
For starting the processing work in the April, we are doing the equipment education now.
製造商: 山崎技研
型號 : yz-400NCR (X軸:850mm Y軸:400mm )
Now, not only the simple cutting service, but also the demand for「after-cutting」processing are increasing. To improve performance in flexible manufacturing systems and accumulate the 「know-how」of milling machine, we decided to introduce the new machine.
目前特殊鋼板不單是鋼板切割的需求, 切割後再加工的需求也漸漸增加,而敝司為了加強小量多樣生產的靈活性並且累積銑床設備的know-how, 決定導入新的銑床設備。
Now, we are in the thick of education, please wait a while for us to introduce the processing sample in the future.
From now on, not only provide the material of special steel, but also respond to the processing demands of our customs, we will keep up the efforts and challenge ourselves !
目前, 敝司正積極地進行教育訓練中, 待加工樣品完成後會立刻介紹給大家
今後不只是特殊鋼材的提供, 針對加工事項的需求, 我們也會持續努力和挑戰!
Thank you for your continuous support.
If you are interested the milling machine, please feel free to contact us for the detailed information.
感謝您一直以來的關照, 今後也請大家多多指教
若是您對加工機詳細的資訊有興趣的話 , 歡迎隨時與我們聯繫!
***Contact Information 聯絡資訊***
Please E-mail us for inquiry. 歡迎來信詢問更多詳細資訊