The technical information of the S-TEN® (S-TEN®鋼材的技術資料)
- Product

Good morning, this time let’s introduce the S-TEN series for you.
S-TEN is the original Sulfuric Acid and Hdrochloric Acid Dew-Point Correcsion-resistnat steel belong to NIPPON STEEL AND SUMITOMO METAL. This material could be used in the flue-gas treatment facility (such as chimney) of coal-fired boilers and waste incineration plants, etc. It could make full use of Sulfuric Acid and Hdrochloric Acid correcsion-resistnat characteristic.
S-TEN 是新日鐵住金原創的耐硫酸.鹽酸露點的鋼材 主要使用在石炭火力鍋爐和廢棄物燃燒設施等等的排煙設備(煙囪) 、鹽酸洗槽、硫酸槽等等設施,可以將耐硫酸鹽酸的特性發揮到最大。
With similar strength, workability, weldability compare to the general steel Comparing to the stainless steel, the workability is better, also be more economical.
另外這種鋼材的強度.施工性,焊接性都跟普通鋼材大致相同, 跟不鏽鋼材比起來加工性更優, 另外也更具經濟性。
The steel are assortment as introduced below :
「S-TEN1」: resistant to the sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid characteristic.
「S-TEN2」: resistant to the sulfuric acid characteristic.
Below is the catalog line for your reference.↓ ↓ ↓
詳細可以參考↓ ↓ ↓
Please also check the catalog from NIPPON STEEL AND SUMITOMO METAL. We mainly sold the medium steel plate thickness.
According to your demand, we can also provide the laser cutting service.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
另外也可以針對客戶的需求提供雷射切斷再送達貴司 詳細資一樣歡迎隨時洽詢敝司人員唷!
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